Sunday, July 27

Forgotten FOs

I knit these things forever ago, but for some reason they escaped Finished Object documentation.

First, Kittyville Hat (number 2) from Stitch 'n' Bitch. Knit with beautiful Angora wool, this hat was a gift for Sam that I knitted in late 2006/early 2007.

Second, a hat knit around the same time for Oscar. No pattern, just improvised. Oscar's not a real colorful guy, so he requested his hat be black. As a compromise (because let's be fair, who likes to knit with black yarn? BOOORIIING) I knit it in slate grey with subtle forest green stripes. Don't remember the yarn, but it's the same stuff I used for my Loopy Velez Cowl.

I need to knit more hats, I forgot how satisfying they are.

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