Sometimes my affinity for the small and cuddly bites me in the ass-- or should I say foot. Earlier this year I impaled myself on some cacti while trying to get a good view of a baby lizard. End result: a one inch long toothpick sized cactus needle stuck in my ankle. All the way in my ankle, too. No pulling that sucker out. I now have a neat little scar to show for the (unsuccessful) surgical search for the needle. The physician told me the needle would dissolve. . . but I'm convinced it's still in there. Maybe I have cactus powers.
Tonight, though, nothing's biting me in any part of my body. I have tiny cuteness all around me. One of my roommates brought home two kittens (her cat had a litter of ~six), one of whom might end up staying. But that's a whole different story. The one who might end up staying was doing a good job being adorable while "helping" me put together a knitting package for a family friend. I'm including a pattern she requested as well as a couple of others that I think she'd like (all from Stitch 'n' Bitch) . . . and a finished version of one of the hats! Nothing makes me feel
In totally non-knitting but still tiny and cute news, I found a bunch of ferrell plum trees around my house. They produce pretty delicious tiny plums that look more like cherries than plums. For the past few days I've been collecting as many as I can, and the fruit bowl in our living room overruneth. I'm determined to find more wild fruits around my house; it's great to be able to go outside and pick free fruit. Plus the trees are on common property and picking the fruit prevents them from getting squished on the sidewalk.
This entry is the first in a while for a few reasons. Vacation, packing, misplaced computer, job searching. . . but the main reason is I've been avoiding knitting. Writing in the blog would have forced me to think about my lack of knitting, which would have then forced me to think about the currently dreaded Printed Silk Cardigan. I don't even want to talk about it, but something's very wrong with that damn cardigan. And whatever it is, it certainly is not a tiny problem.
My confidence took a real shot from all the problems I've run into with the Printed Silk Cardigan. I'm trying not to get too down on my skills though, and I think that a little project swap will cure me of the Knitting Blues. So I'm going to continue avoiding the Printed Silk and pick up my half finished Grecian Plait. I'm hoping to have it done soon (the half I have done was quick); I'm holding on to the idea that a finished object will boost me up enough to tackle the Printed Silk yet again.
I believe it's spelled f-e-r-a-l.
Who can confirm?
I looked everywhere on the internet, and couldn't find a standardized spelling of it.
I bet you're right. :)
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