Monday, March 10

pet peeve:

I was just talking to a friend and mentioned that I was knitting myself a top. She patronizingly said "Ahahaha. . .you're so cute".

It bothers me so much when people think that knitting is a cute or silly hobby. There is serious skill needed here! I wish people would instead respond, "Wow, you knit and manage to go to school and have a social life? What talent!"

I know that's unrealistic, haha. But I'd like to see some of the people who look down on knitting try to knit a garment that looks halfway decent. See how cute it is then!


Anonymous said...

I agree! I hate when people look at knitting as this quaint little hobby. Like they're humoring me.

You know what? This is a hobby that takes knowledge and skill and I'm proud of it. Grrrr.

Margie Mirken said...

There are worse things than being thought cute.

-Muthuh Boysenberry